The Unified SDK allows you to automatically start or stop VPN sessions based on network changes, such as when a user switches between Wi-Fi, mobile data, or other networks.
Navigate to Settings -> VPN -> Client Networks, click on the Add button.
Edit the client network settings: Type (Wi-Fi, WWAN, LAN) and Action (start/stop).
Example configuration:
Network Conditions
SSID: "MyHomeWifi"
BSSID: "00:11:22:33:44:55"
SSID: "PublicWifi"
BSSID: "00:14:22:01:23:45"
When the SDK starts the VPN for the first time, it downloads the necessary network configuration from the server. If there is no active VPN session, the SDK displays a notification based on the CNL settings.
Custom Notification for CNL State
You can customize the notification message shown to the user when the VPN is waiting for a secure network:
SdkNotificationConfig.Builder builder =SdkNotificationConfig.newBuilder();builder.inCnl("Waiting for secure network","SDK will start VPN when a secure network is detected");
If you don't customize the notification, it will display the default title and message:
title - CNL
message - Waiting
Rules for Network Matching
When a device changes its network connection, the SDK will look through the configured networks in CNL and match the current configuration with server.
For WiFi networks
If the SSID and BSSID are empty, it will match any Wifi network.
If the authentication is set to Does not matter , it will match both open and protected networks.
Android Permissions
For Android 8.1+ (API 27) and Android 10+ (API 29), you need to set up and request runtime permission for location to match networks by SSID and/or BSSID.
If the required permission is missing, the SDK will not be able to access the network SSID and BSSID.
VPN Behavior
When a user changes the network while a VPN session is active and the new network matches the CNL rules with the Disabled action, the SDK will not reconnect to this network. Instead, it will throw a CnlBlockedException in the VpnStateListener#vpnError callback. Below is an example message:
"VPN stopped. Connected to a network not allowed by CNL rules."
Client-side CNL Configuration
The CNL configuration can also be managed on the client side.
Loading the list of saved network configurations
UnifiedSdk sdk =UnifiedSdk.getInstance();Cnl cnl =sdk.getCnl();cnl.loadList(newCallback<List<CnlConfig>>() { @Overridepublicvoidsuccess(@NonNullList<CnlConfig> configs) {// Handle the loaded list of CnlConfig objectsfor (CnlConfig config : configs) {System.out.println(config.toString());// Perform operations with the CnlConfig objects } } @Overridepublicvoidfailure(@NonNullVpnException e) {// Handle the failure caseString errorMessage =e.getMessage(); }});
Updating the network configurations
UnifiedSdk sdk =UnifiedSdk.getInstance();Cnl cnl =sdk.getCnl();List<CnlConfig> updatedConfigs =newArrayList<>();newConfigs.add(newCnlConfig(CnlConfig.Type.WIFI,Arrays.asList("HomeWiFi","OfficeWiFi"),Arrays.asList("00:11:22:33:44:55","AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"),CnlConfig.Action.ENABLE,CnlConfig.Authorized.YES));newConfigs.add(newCnlConfig(CnlConfig.Type.MOBILE,Collections.singletonList(""),Collections.singletonList(""),CnlConfig.Action.DISABLE,CnlConfig.Authorized.NO));cnl.updateList(updatedConfigs,newCompletableCallback() { @Overridepublicvoidcomplete() {// Handle the successful completion of the update operationSystem.out.println("CNL configurations updated successfully"); } @Overridepublicvoiderror(@NonNullVpnException e) {// Handle the failure caseSystem.out.println("Failed to update CNL configurations: "+e.getMessage()); }});
Resetting the network configurations
UnifiedSdk sdk =UnifiedSdk.getInstance();Cnl cnl =sdk.getCnl();cnl.clear(newCompletableCallback() { @Overridepublicvoidcomplete() {System.out.println("CNL configurations cleared successfully");// Handle the successful completion of the clear operation } @Overridepublicvoiderror(@NonNullVpnException e) {// Handle the failure caseSystem.out.println("Failed to clear CNL configurations: "+e.getMessage()); }});