Create a new project

Learn how to create a project in Management Console

Adding a new project to the Management Console

  1. Enter your credentials and click on the "Sign In" button:

If you are already signed in, there will be the "Projects overview" page instead of the "Sign In" form

Provided credentials will be checked; if successful, you will be redirected to the "Projects overview" page. Otherwise, a detailed error message will appear.

4. Fill all available fields:

  • Project name. It should be a unique name; it can contain Latin characters and numbers. This field is mandatory.

  • Project ID. The ID should be unique; it can contain Latin characters and numbers. The project ID is also called a carrier. This field is mandatory.

  • Description. It is a description of the project, e.g. its purpose or target audience.

Using the Upload image button, you can upload a project icon that will be displayed near the project name. This is optional.

5. Click Create

Next, you will see your project's dashboard:

Since your new project is not configured yet, there will be not much information in the dashboard.

Configuring a recently added project

  1. Add a list of locations:


2. Add a list of project management members:


Last updated