Reconnection strategy

When building iOS applications that rely on a VPN connection, implementing a robust reconnection strategy is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience. One effective approach is to leverage the On-Demand VPN feature, which allows the system to automatically establish the VPN connection based on predefined rules. In this page, we'll explore how to configure On-Demand VPN using the OnDemandConfiguration struct in Swift and how it ties into a reliable reconnection strategy.

Understanding OnDemandConfiguration

The OnDemandConfiguration struct is a codable struct that represents the configuration for On-Demand VPN. It has two main properties:



  • A boolean value that determines whether the On-Demand VPN feature is enabled or not.

  • The default value for this setting is false. When set to false, the on-demand rules for automatically reconnecting the VPN are disabled. This means that the VPN will not automatically reconnect based on any rules. In this case, the user must manually manage the VPN connection.

  • When set to true, the VPN will be automatically triggered by the system after the startVPN method is called. To disable On-Demand VPN, you need to call the stop method from your application.


  • Defines the rules for triggering the On-Demand VPN connection. These rules specify the conditions under which the VPN should be activated.

  • If no custom rules are provided, OnDemandConfiguration uses the default rules defined in the NEOnDemandRule.defaultRules property from NetworkExtension.

  • You can customize the On-Demand rules based on your specific requirements. For example, you can create rules based on type of network interface (WiFi, cellular, etc), or other criteria supported by the NEOnDemandRule class.

Sample Codes

import NetworkExtension
// ...

// Create custom on-demand rules
let connectRuleWifi = NEOnDemandRuleConnect()
connectRuleWifi.interfaceTypeMatch = .wiFi
let disconnectRuleCellular = NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect()
disconnectRuleCellular.interfaceTypeMatch = .cellular
let onDemandRules = [connectRuleWifi, disconnectRuleCellular]

let hydraConfiguration = HydraConfiguration(
    carrierID: "YOUR_CARRIER_ID",
    extensionBundleID: "",
    groupData: VPNGroupData(
        groupID: "group.GROUP_ID",
        usesSystemExtension: false
    fireshieldConfig: FireshieldConfig(
        mode: .disabled,
        groupData: VPNGroupData(groupID: "", usesSystemExtension: false)
    onDemandConfiguration: OnDemandConfiguration(isEnabled: true, onDemandRules: onDemandRules)

In the sample code above:

  1. import NetworkExtensions imports the NetworkExtension framework, which provides APIs for configuring and managing VPN connections.

  2. Two on-demand rules are created:

  • connectRuleWifi: Specifies that the VPN should automatically connect when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

  • disconnectRuleCellular: Specifies that the VPN should automatically disconnect when the device switches to a cellular network.

  1. The HydraConfiguration object is initialized with various configuration parameters, including the onDemandConfiguration property.

  2. The OnDemandConfiguration object is created with isEnabled set to true, enabling the on-demand rules, and the onDemandRules array is passed as the onDemandRules parameter.

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