AWS CloudFront Distribution of the Platform URL

How to avoid blockage of domain

Sometimes domain gets blocked by certain resources. To avoid that and make our app available globally, we need to hide under an AWS CloudFront Distribution.

  1. Select CloudFront from the list of services in your AWS Console or, simply type CloudFront into the AWS services search field on the main page.

2. Then select Create Distribution.

3. In the Web section select Get Started.

4. Create Distribution form:

A. Origin Settings part.

  1. Type into the Origin Domain Name field.

  2. Select HTTPS Only option in the Origin protocol Policy.

  3. Leave the rest of the Origin Settings by default.

B. Scroll down for Default Cache Behavior Settings part.

  1. In Viewer Protocol Policy select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

  2. In Allowed HTTP Methods select GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE.

  3. In Cache Based on Selected Request Headers select Whitelist.

  4. In Whitelist Headers add Accept and Authorization headers.

  5. In Forward Cookies select All.

  6. In Query String Forwarding and Caching select Forward all, cache based on whitelist.

C. Leave by default Distribution Settings part.


Scroll down and hit Create Distribution button

It takes AWS about 10 minutes to create a distribution. Once it is complete you can find your CloudFront Distribution by clicking on your newly created distribution from the list and looking up its domain name.

So next time, when you are using SDK, input newly generated distribution link as a base URL instead of This will help to avoid blockage by 3rd parties resources.

Last updated