Hydra VPN SDK demo for iOS

This is a demo application for iOS with basic usage of Hydra VPN SDK.

GitHub project link


  • iOS 9 or newer

SDK Quick Installation Guide

Download latest SDK:

Prepare Application

Create iOS application and additional Network Extension target, so you'll have:

  • Application target

  • Network Extension target

For both, the Application and the Network Extension targets, do the following:

  1. Add following system frameworks to your project dependencies:

  • NetworkExtension

  • Security

  • libz.tbd

2. In your project: Project > Build Settings:

  • Set Enable Bitcode to "NO"

  • Set Other Linker Flags to -ObjC.

3. Enable Network Extension and Personal VPN entitlements for both application and network extension targets, create App Group that will be used on both targets.

Install Hydra SDK

  • Add HydraApplicationSDK.framework for Application target

  • Add HydraTunnelProviderSDK.framework for Network Extension target

Make your PacketTunnelProvider class from Network Extension target extend AFPacketTunnelProvider and remove stub class implementation.

// PacketTunnelProvider.swift
import HydraTunnelProviderSDK

class PacketTunnelProvider: AFPacketTunnelProvider {}

In your AppDelegate or other shared Singleton object, initialize Hydra SDK:

// AppDelegate.swift or your own Hydra holding singleton
import HydraApplicationSDK
// ...
lazy var hydraClient : AFHydra = {
    AFHydra.withConfig(AFConfig.init(block: { (builder) in
        builder.baseUrl = "BASE_URL";
        builder.carrierId = "CARRIER_ID";
        builder.groupId = "group.YOUR.GROUP.NAME";
        builder.networkExtensionBundleId = "com.yourcompany.AWESOME_APP.neprovider";

Replace placeholders with your values obtained from developer portal and your XCode or Apple Developer Portal configuration.

hydraClient.login(AFAuthMethod.anonymous(), completion: { [unowned self] (e, user) in
    // Process result

After you're logged in, you're good to go start VPN:

hydraClient.startVpn({ (country, error) in
    // VPN is being started to server in country `country`
    // Rely on notification center status notifications for exact VPN state

Handle VPN state notifications:

hydraClient.notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.AFVPNStatusDidChange, object: nil, queue: nil) { [unowned self] (notification) in
    // Process VPN status changes here
    if hydraClient.vpnStatus() == .connected {
        // Do stuff

If you have to choose VPN server country before connecting, you can call availableCountries and then startVpn with specific country.

// Get a list of countries 
hydraClient.availableCountries { [weak self] (e, countries) in
    // Do stuff
    self.someCountry = countries[0]

// Start VPN with different country
hydraClient.startVpn(with: self.someCountry, completion: { (country, e) in


For more detailed information refer to Hydra SDK documentation.

Last updated